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LBQTGNC Pre-Conference Report
The Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, Trans diverse, and Gender Non-Conforming Pre-Conference (LBQTGNC) was the first-ever gathering of its kind. The purpose of this report is to capture the salient points from the Pre-conference.
IAM Annual Report (2023)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2023. Available in English.
Conversations on the Pilgrim Way
Invitation to Journey Together on Matters of Human Sexuality
Reconciliation From the Margins
Personal Stories of Queer Persons of Faith
Human Dignity
We contributed to a brand-new Christian Literature Fund CLF series on Human Dignity. This series comprises ten fresh and thought-provoking e-pamphlets, tailored for pastors, congregations, and anyone eager to explore these topics. Read the submission on Sexuality by IAM Faith Partnerships Process Coordinator Louis van der Riet.
IAM Annual Report (2022)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2022. Available in English.
Reading Together: A Bible Study Method
A practical, hands-on Bible study method integrating IAM’s theory of change and insights gained from Contextual Bible Study and Intercultural Bible reading for use with groups to engage with issues of gender and sexuality. The reading together method invites you to reflect on the complexity that comes into play when we engage with other bodies while we all bringing the gift our specific reading of the biblical text.
Regional Consultation Report
We interviewed representatives of the network partners about the importance of working with religious leaders and communities, the support they received from IAM, and the next steps for their organisation. Their thoughts in their own words are included throughout this publication.
Dialogue for Transformation Toolkit
A toolkit offering a framework for leading effective dialogue sessions that promote transformation, rooted in the understanding that people bring their own embodied experiences of dialogue into spaces. The content is accompanied by activities to stimulate conversation and ideas for how the facilitator and participants can collaborate to contextualise the content.
Best Practices in Training Clergy and other Religious Leaders
A guide for use by trainers working with faith leadership around understanding sexual and gender identity in sacred texts.
Stand Together in Solidarity
“Stand together in solidarity” presents 12 testimonies from religious lesbians and gays around the globe. They stand for sexual minorities and their communities worldwide. Believers and non-believers are invited to read and listen to their experiences and reflections on spirituality and sexuality.
A Liturgy of Radical Love
A liturgy developed by a group of Master’s students in the Gender, Religion and Health Programme at the School of Religion, Classics and Philosophy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal during an IAM workshop.
Ecclesia’s Story
A narrative documenting IAM Director Ecclesia de Lange’s journey with her spirituality, sexuality, and the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. (2009)
Looking Back, Looking Forward: IAM at 25
For the past 25 years IAM played an intentional and courageous role in working towards restoring the dignity of LGBTIQ+ people in Africa. This report is a remembrance and reflection of this journey, highlighting the important milestones reached, achievements and growth of the organisation.
Spirituality and Wellness – Participant’s Guide
This resource has been developed but is currently being piloted before it is made publicly available. If you are interested in learning more or taking part in a pilot workshop, please email info@iam.org.za
Spirituality and Wellness – Facilitator’s Guide
This resource has been developed but is currently being piloted before it is made publicly available. If you are interested in learning more or taking part in a pilot workshop, please email info@iam.org.za
IAM Annual Report (2020)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2020. Available in English. Hard copies available.
Reflecting on Religion, Faith and Comprehensive Sexuality Education
From 2018-2020, IAM took part in the Schools Out project looking at the role of faith and religion in comprehensive sexuality education across seven countries in Africa. In “Reflections on religion, faith and comprehensive sexuality education,” we spoke with our local partners to understand their experiences implementing the project.
Amplifying Teachers’ Voices for Inclusive Education
From 2018-2020, IAM took part in the Schools Out project looking at the role of faith and religion in comprehensive sexuality education across seven countries in Africa. In “Amplifying teachers’ voices for inclusive education,” we spoke with 16 high school teachers in four countries to better understand their perspectives on teaching and supporting CSE in their contexts.
The Bible & Homosexuality Toolkit
This toolkit works towards a contextual and communal reading of the Bible that is life-affirming towards LGBTIQ+ people.
Transforming Accompaniment
A summary of findings from the impact study of IAM’s Faith Partnership Program from 2017-2020.
IAM Annual Report (2021)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2021. Available in English. Hard copies available.
IAM Annual Report (2019)
AM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2019. Available in English. Hard copies available.
IAM Annual Report (2018)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2018. Available in English. Hard copies available.
IAM Annual Report (2017)
IAM’s annual report reflecting on the work and impact of the organisation in 2018. Available in English. Hard copies available.
The Bible and Homosexuality (2015)
This revised booklet conveys information with regards to rules of interpretation, cautions, the core message, role of the Holy Spirit and the anti-gay scriptures. Foreword by Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Available in English. Hard copies available.
Slavery, Homosexuality and Women: Texts in Context (2012)
A brief guide unpacking the messaging of the Bible around slavery, women and homosexuality and offering the reader suggestions of how to read the text in context. Written by Bishop David Russell. Available in English.
The Bible and Homosexuality (2011)
This booklet addresses fellow Anglicans and asks the question “what is the Spirit saying to the churches?” Written by Bishop David Russell, with a foreword by Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Available in English. Hard copies available for R10 each.
The Evils of Patriarchy in Church, Society and Politics (2009)
A report from the patriarchy conference on the rejection of masculine hierarchy and repression, focusing on a new masculinity and femininity. Available in English. Hard copies available.
First African Dialogue on Christianity, Faith and Sexuality (2009)
This report gives a detailed account of the First African Conference, which convened 80 participants from 11 African countries, including the papers of the speakers. Available in English. Hard copies available.
Journey with God: Training Manual (2009)
This manual focuses on sexuality and spirituality, helping work through the numerous challenges with regards to homosexuality and the Bible. For use with individuals and groups. Available in English. Hard copies available.