LBQTGNC Pre-Conference Report

LBQTGNC Pre-Conference Report

The Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, Trans diverse, and Gender Non-Conforming Pre-Conference (LBQTGNC) was the first-ever gathering of its kind. The purpose of this report is to capture the salient points from the Pre-conference. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Regional Consultation Report

Regional Consultation Report

We interviewed representatives of the network partners about the importance of working with religious leaders and communities, the support they received from IAM, and the next steps for their organisation. Their thoughts in their own words are included throughout this...
Looking Back, Looking Forward: IAM at 25

Looking Back, Looking Forward: IAM at 25

For the past 25 years IAM played an intentional and courageous role in working towards restoring the dignity of LGBTIQ+ people in Africa. This report is a remembrance and reflection of this journey, highlighting the important milestones reached, achievements and...
Transforming Accompaniment

Transforming Accompaniment

A summary of findings from the impact study of IAM’s Faith Partnership Program from 2017-2020. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD