Inclusivity and Affirmation Index 

The Inclusivity and Affirmation Index is a tool for leaders in faith communities. This tool can help you to both diagnose and mobilise your congregation toward greater inclusion, celebration, and participation of LGBTIQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer) people.

These questions provide a way of seeing what is currently happening in both your denomination and your local congregation. This offers an opportunity to identify areas of possible growth towards more inclusion and affirmation of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. It acts as a measurement tool for both policy and embodied praxis. It also identifies possible theological and pastoral focus areas that allow for the flourishing of LGBTIQ+ people.

This diagnosis acknowledges that inclusion and exclusion do not function within a binary (2 opposing positions) and that there are specific ways to become increasingly inclusive for all LGBTIQ+ people. If churches strive towards this vision and ethos of belonging and embrace, then there will need to be sustained praxis that starts with an honest assessment and audit of where they currently are at.

Please feel free to complete this questionnaire, and to contact Louis van der Riet to discuss the results – 

1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My local church affirms the unconditional and inalienable human dignity of all persons as children of God.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church does not use the Bible as a prescriptive tool for defining gender roles.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church does not use the Bible as a condemnation of LGBTIQ+ people nor of LGBTIQ+ lived desires, sexualities, and identities.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination is able to draw from its tradition to liberate LGBTIQ+ people and LGBTIQ+ lived desires, sexualities, and identities from discrimination, oppression, and condemnation.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination does not promote or support conversion practices.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination has acknowledged its past involvement in the discrimination of LGBTIQ+ people and has offered an official apology.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination discusses sex, sexuality, gender, and marriage as issues that relate to all people, not merely LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination does not discriminate on any level, on grounds of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, economic power, health, language, or birth.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My denomination supports the adoption and raising of children by LGBTIQ+ couples and or individuals.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church offers pastoral support to LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church offers pastoral support for LGBTIQ+ couples.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church offers pastoral support to parents or family members of LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church provides affirming educational material and training for youth ministry and young adults.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church baptises children of LGBTIQ+ parents, and LGBTIQ+ individuals.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church offers workshops, dialogues or trainings on gender and sexuality.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church offers spaces for Contextual Bible Reading where LGBTIQ+ voices are heard.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church has small groups or ministries that are not gender specific (exclusively for men or women) and are open to trans or gender non-binary persons.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination doesn’t make any restriction to participating in the Eucharist/Communion based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination engages with reparations or restitution for those who have suffered discrimination, oppression, and exclusion because of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My local church has a diversity of identities (gender, class, race, sexuality, physical ability) on its decision-making body/leadership (i.e. church council).
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church welcomes LGBTIQ+ members to serve in leadership/ministry or staff roles in the congregation/parish.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church has a gender-neutral bathroom that is easily accessible.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church has church dress and seating that allows for all genders to participate.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church includes LGBTIQ+ persons and experiences explicitly and positively in its liturgy and preaching.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church uses gender sensitive language that does not reinforce heteronormativity and patriarchy.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church is sensitive to and inclusive of the use of affirming pronouns.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church can be identified as inclusive by visitors or those who are not members of the local congregation.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My local church has a policy/official decision/statement of belief on the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination has a policy/church law on the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church has material available, either online or printed, that discusses gender and sexuality.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination does not discriminate against candidates for ordination and ministry based on their sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or sex characteristics.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination involves LGBTIQ+ people in policy making related to equality and non-discrimination.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My local church solemnises marriages for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination does not require LGBTIQ+ people specifically, both among clergy and lay people, to be celibate.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My denomination partners with Christian LGBTIQ+ advocacy groups (such as IAM) and involves them in theological/seminary education.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination engages constructively with insights of scientific research on gender and sexuality.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
1. Completely Disagree2. Disagree3. Neutral4. Agree5. Completely Agree
My denomination condemns acts of violence and hate speech towards LGBTIQ+ people
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination is involved in the public task of advocating for the rights of LGBTIQ+ people (freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; the right of political organisation and expression; gender-related rights; reproductive rights; kinship-related rights; labour rights; health rights; access to public services etc.)
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree
My denomination has made public statements regarding education in public schools, directed at building tolerance and affirmation of the rights of LGBTIQ+ people.
1. Completely Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Completely Agree

Contact Us

Inclusive & Affirming Ministries

+27 (0)21 975 8142
