We invite you to join us for the 2023 Ecumenical Queer Think Tank: “Queering Allyship”  

Over the past decade, IAM has convened queer clergy, faith leaders, and allies at three Ecumenical Think Tanks to analyse, assess, and strategise toward the inclusion and recognition of LGBTIQ+ people in the faith landscape in South Africa. Previous themes included:

  • Talking Back: Exploring LGBTIQ+ identity and Queer perspectives (2015) 
  • Exploring Contours of Embodied Resistance (2017) 
  • Creating Counter Communities of Care (2021)

Our theme this year is “Queering Allyship”. We are inviting you to join us for a space for reflection and critical dialogue on how to develop queer-led and ally-supported strategic actions to bring about recognition of LGBTIQ+ realities within faith communities.

Date & Time : Tuesday, 7 November 2023 | 12:00 – 18:00 

Venue: Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation, The Old Granary Building, Buitenkant St, District Six, Cape Town, 8001

Format: This one-day dialogue forms parts of a three day workshop for LGBTIQ+ faith leaders. We invite you to join in for this one day session, and co-create knowledge on how we can support and advance the work of LGBTIQ+ inclusion and recognition in churches. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP by completing the form below by Thursday 2 Nov. 


Read more about our focus on Queering Allyship: 

“Queering allyship” refers to the constructive disruption of the status quo of current allyship for LGBTIQ+ inclusion and affirmation within denominations. Within each of the partner denominations, considerable work has been done by allies in changing both institutional policy and culture to recognise and embrace LGBTIQ+ people. However, without exception, more work is required in all denominations within Southern Africa. We will have the chance to take stock and reflect on where things currently stand, and to map our current experiences. 

Our theme acknowledges the indispensable value and influence of allyship in bringing about change, while centering both the realities and the agency of queer leaders within faith communities. This also seeks to trouble and disrupt binary thinking between queer people and allies by exploring how allyship is expressed amongst LGBTIQ+ people, and how allyship functions across the intersections of sexuality, gender, race, class, ability, and other power-laden divisions.  

The gathering will consist of roughly 20 queer faith leaders. On the second day, we will invite allies to join us. These are key individuals who are both strategically placed to exercise institutional change, and who currently demonstrate active allyship for LGBTIQ+ people in their faith community. Together, we will explore our own questions and curiosity when it comes to imagining queer recognition within faith spaces through creative activities. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Louis van der Riet on 0726880448 or louis@iam.org.za

Ecumenical Queer Think Tank 2023 - 7 November

Contact Us

Inclusive & Affirming Ministries

+27 (0)21 975 8142
